Map - Bernese Jura (Jura bernois)

Bernese Jura (Jura bernois)
Bernese Jura (Jura bernois, ) is the name for the French-speaking area of the Swiss canton of Bern, and from 2010 one of ten administrative divisions of the canton.

Comprising the three French-speaking districts in the northern part of the canton, it contains 40 municipalities with an area of 541.71 km2 and a population of. More than 90% of the population of the three districts speaks French.

From 1815 to 1979, the Bernese Jura comprised seven districts. Three of these seceded to form the canton of Jura in 1979, while a fourth, the Laufen district, joined the canton of Basel-Landschaft in 1994. Additionally, Moutier, a municipality, voted to secede from Bern in a referendum in 2021 and join Jura, with the change expected to be implemented by 2026.

Most of the territory of the Bernese Jura was passed from the County of Burgundy to the Bishopric of Basel in AD 999.

It was annexed by France during the Napoleonic period, 1798-1814. In 1814, the Congress of Vienna accorded it to the canton of Bern to compensate for the loss of the new canton of Vaud.

From 1815 to 1979, the term Bernese Jura also included the territory now forming the canton of Jura, which seceded following a national popular vote on 24 September 1978.

In 1974 a plebiscite voted to remain part of Bern by a margin of only 70 votes. This led to acts of vandalism on 16 March 1974 and on 7 September 1975 an armed standoff at the Hôtel de la Gare in Moutier which was broken up by an elite team of Bernese police on the following day. Two other plebiscites also came down on the side of remaining in the Canton of Bern, including one in 1998 which passed with a thin majority of 41 votes. In 2013 a third plebiscite ended with the majority of residents choosing to remain in Bern, though a majority of residents of Moutier wanted to join Jura. On 18 June 2017 the municipality of Moutier voted to join the Canton of Jura by a small margin of 51.7% (2,067 for leaving and 1,930 for remaining part of Bern).

Its administrative capital was Biel/Bienne from 1815 to 2009. Since 2010, Biel/Bienne has been made the administrative capital of a separate district, and the administrative capital of the remaining Bernese Jura is now Courtelary.

Map - Bernese Jura (Jura bernois)
Google Earth - Map - Bernese Jura
Google Earth
Openstreetmap - Map - Bernese Jura
Map - Bernese Jura - Esri.WorldImagery
Map - Bernese Jura - Esri.WorldStreetMap
Map - Bernese Jura - OpenStreetMap.Mapnik
Map - Bernese Jura - OpenStreetMap.HOT
Map - Bernese Jura - OpenTopoMap
Map - Bernese Jura - CartoDB.Positron
Map - Bernese Jura - CartoDB.Voyager
Map - Bernese Jura - OpenMapSurfer.Roads
Map - Bernese Jura - Esri.WorldTopoMap
Map - Bernese Jura - Stamen.TonerLite
Country - Switzerland
Flag of Switzerland
Switzerland, officially the Swiss Confederation, is a landlocked country located at the confluence of Western, Central and Southern Europe. It is bordered by Italy to the south, France to the west, Germany to the north and Austria and Liechtenstein to the east.

Switzerland is geographically divided among the Swiss Plateau, the Alps and the Jura; the Alps occupy the greater part of the territory, whereas the Swiss population of approximately 8.7 million is concentrated mostly on the plateau, where the largest cities and economic centres are located, including Zürich, Geneva and Basel.
Currency / Language  
ISO Currency Symbol Significant figures
CHF Swiss franc Fr 2
CHE WIR Bank 2
CHW WIR Bank 2
Neighbourhood - Country  
  •  Austria 
  •  France 
  •  Germany 
  •  Italy 
  •  Liechtenstein 
Administrative Subdivision
Country, State, Region,...